If you feel strongly bothered or disturbed by other residents’ behaviour you can make a complaint to Lifa.
ALL complaints must be submitted in writing. We cannot act on verbal complaints.
When we receive a written complaint about a resident which indicates that the individual in question has broken Lifa regulations, we will contact the person in question in writing and demand that this does not happen in future. In the event that this does not have the desired effect, Lifa may choose to expel the individual or family from their apartment
In the first instance your complaint will always be forwarded anonymously, however, if the case ends up in court it will no longer be possible for you to retain anonymity.
All residents must abide by Lifa’s regulations which are available here:
General information
Lifa residents are required to conduct themselves in a proper fashion and not to disturb their fellow residents unnecessarily. Residents should keep in mind that they are residents of the same block of flats and the same town.
Residents are reminded to behave in a tolerant fashion and try to establish good relations with their neighbours, in the knowledge that if this does not happen it will have unfortunate consequences for the area as a whole.